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About Us
Our Delicious Story
The genesis of Twin Fish – Mississauga was brought forth into the restaurant industry because of two main reasons: Passion & Blessing. The passion to cook and serve, along with being a blessing to others through our business, just as we have been blessed from God.
At Twin Fish – Mississauga, we strive to provide exceptional quality in both our food and our service. Our greatest reward is seeing our customers leave satisfied, their taste buds delighted.

Delivery & Pickup
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Delivery & Pickup
Earn 5% Loyalty Points On all order placed through our App

They All Love Our Food
“An Unforgettable Dining Experience”
Exquisite flavors, impeccable service! Our visit to this Thai gem was nothing short of exceptional. Stephen, our server, went above and beyond to ensure our satisfaction, his kindness leaving a lasting impression.
I have been coming to Twin Fish for many many years and the staff and ownership are a wonderful group of people. The food is fantastic. The atmosphere is always positive and uplifting and service has a personal touch.
Jordan Carter
This has always been a favorite, and one that I have recommended to others, but our most recent experience made me want to write a review. The food was so tasty and spectacular and the service was also incredible.
Sandra Goh
At Twin Fish restaurant, diners can expect a delightful culinary experience. The fried calamari serves as a standout appetizer, while the main courses, including red curry beef, green curry chicken and shrimp, and Thai spicy noodles with beef.
Adrian Manickam

Operating hours
Monday to Thursday : 11:30 am–9 pm.
Friday : 11:30 am–10 pm.
Saturday : 12 pm–10 pm.
Sunday : Closed